Mono Potassium phosphate function and method of use

Mono Potassium phosphate has the functions of promoting photosynthesis of crops, quickly replenishing effective nutrients in the soil, improving soil fertility, being easily absorbed and utilized by crops, enhancing the ability of crops to resist cold, drought, pests and diseases, and improving crop quality. It has been used in agricultural production. widely used.

1. Increase production and strong fruit
From August to October, citrus fruits grow rapidly. The important period of fall shoots and fullness, there is a great demand for fertilizers, especially the growth of fruits is very sensitive to phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Application at this time can just meet the needs of citrus to phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. It can promote the rapid growth of the fruit and increase the yield.

2. Flower promotion during flower bud differentiation
In the period of citrus flower bud differentiation, reducing the level of gibberellin in fruit trees such as citrus can promote the differentiation of citrus flower buds. Paclobutrazol can effectively inhibit the synthesis of gibberellin. The spraying time is generally from October to December. Generally, paclobutrazol 500 mg can be used For each liter, add 600-800 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate (potassium phosphate bank) and spray together. This formula can not only promote flowers, but also control winter shoots.

3.Increase the sugar content
In the later stage of cell enlargement, the horizontal growth of the citrus fruit is obviously faster than the vertical growth. Its biggest feature is that the water content and soluble substances in the gizzard increase rapidly, and the whole fruit absorbs nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. quickly strengthen. Phosphorus and potassium can promote the accumulation of water and inorganic salts in the fruit, increasing the amount of sugar and reducing the amount of acid.

4.Reduce fruit cracking
Less phosphate fertilizer, more potassium, nitrogen, and farmyard manure can reduce fruit cracking. From late July to early August, spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on citrus leaves to reduce citrus fruit cracking.

5.Cold and frost resistance
Water the roots with quick-acting fertilizer before and after fruit picking, combined with foliar spraying (0.2%~0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 0.5% urea mixture or advanced compound fertilizer) to supplement nutrients, promote rapid restoration of tree vigor and increase nutrient accumulation , The tree grows vigorously and enhances cold resistance. Reapply organic fertilizer to keep warm after fruit picking.

6.Improve fruit setting rate
Citrus flowers, new shoots, especially stamens and pistils contain high levels of phosphorus and potassium, so flowering and new shoots need to consume a lot of phosphorus and potassium nutrients. The final flowering period in mid-May is the period when the tree has a large demand for phosphorus and potassium nutrients, and the supply is in short supply. If it is not supplemented in time, it will lead to poor growth of the floral organs and aggravate fruit drop in June. Timely take extra-root topdressing to supplement phosphorus and potassium nutrients. It can increase the fruit setting rate.

7.Improve resilience
Mono Potassium phosphate can improve the stress resistance of citrus, such as drought resistance, resistance to dry and hot wind, resistance to waterlogging, resistance to freezing, resistance to damage and promoting healing, resistance to bacterial infection and so on.

8. Promote photosynthesis and enhance the storage and transportation of fruits
Potassium enhances crop photosynthesis during crop growth, accelerates the production and transformation of nutrients, and can also thicken and strengthen the peel, thus enhancing the storage and transportation of fruits.

9. Regulate the growth and development of citrus
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate has the effect of a regulator, which can not only promote the differentiation of citrus flower buds, but also increase the number of flowering, strong flower buds, strong flowers and fruit, and effectively promote the growth and development of roots.

Mono Potassium phosphate has a great influence on the growth process of citrus, but remember to use it not blindly and use it in moderation.

In addition, I would like to tell you a little trick. When potassium dihydrogen phosphate is mixed, if you want a good effect, you can try to mix it with boron. This can effectively improve the absorption and utilization of boron element and play a better nutritional supplement effect.

Post time: Dec-28-2020